Attending events can be a great way to network, learn new skills, and grow your business. However, simply attending an event is not enough to guarantee success. To truly maximize your investment, setting specific goals and developing a strategy for achieving them is essential.
In this Ask the Expert Episode,
Kris Blackmon, Chief Channel Officer of JS Group, interviewed
Debra Eckerling on behalf of channelWise. Debra is a goal-setting and goal-getting specialist who created the D.E.B. Method and is also a channelWise expert. Her tips will help you get the most out of your event investment.
I started helping people with goal setting and goal getting through events I organized at Barnes and Noble in Chicago and later started a writer support group in LA that evolved to include writers, creatives, and entrepreneurs. As people started hiring me for help with goal setting and finishing projects, I created the "D.E.B.method," which stands for determining one's mission, exploring options, and brainstorming a path.
When it comes to events, I put a lot of importance on event strategy to ensure that attendees come away with leads and information rather than feeling like they wasted their time.
I need to set specific goals for event attendance and participation because I cannot get what I want unless I know what I want. The reason behind attending an event, whether in person or virtual, is important for aligning my business. Starting with my business goals, it is essential to prioritize my ideal clients or connections and target specific sessions that will benefit my business. Setting goals ensures that I get the result I want from attending the event.
My goal-setting process in relation to events involves starting with visualization and identifying my ideal outcome, then working backward to prioritize my goals. I also explore my options and brainstorm a path to achieve those goals.
I emphasize the importance of starting with a mission statement and a motto that encapsulates the main reason for attending the event and using that to guide my decision-making regarding networking opportunities and session attendance. By doing so, I ensure that all the decisions I make align with my mission and goals for the event.
When setting goals for an event, I visualize my ideal outcome and work backward to prioritize my goals. I also developed a snappy tagline that encapsulates my main reason for attending the event. When exploring my options, I look at all the networking and session opportunities that align with my tagline and mission statement.
To get the most out of my investment, I set appointments to act on new relationships and information gathered at the event, and I dedicate time each week to relationship development and implementing action items.
After the event, I follow up with new contacts by sending them personalized connection requests and staying top of mind. I also take notes during sessions and create action items on the spot or in the evening afterward to ensure I don't forget key takeaways.
For more advice about maximizing your event investment, visit Debra’s profile on
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Note: Transcript is edited for time and clarity.
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